137 women killed daily worldwide

Global socio-environment issues
For image text, go to https://elevenmyanmar.com/news/graphic-news-un-50000-women-killed-globally-a-year-by-intimate-partners-asianewsnetwork (UN: 50,000 women killed globally a year by intimate partners)
137 women killed daily worldwide

PORT MORESBY: According the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 137 women are killed daily worldwide - their lives taken by the hands of partners or family members.

One wonders why is this happening in a civilised and educated global environment in the 21st Century digital era.

What do Papua New Guineans think about this issue, with gender equality rife in their country?

The Women’s Liveability Index 2019 has revealed the Top 10 best and worst countries in the world for women based on factors such as domestic violence rates, gender pay gaps, education, life expectancy, sanitary products tax rates and human trafficking.

Read on for the details as published by CEO MAGAZINE:

26 MARCH 2019 - 04:04 PM

These are the 10 best countries for women to live in

With gender equality debates as rife as ever, these are the best nations across the globe for women to live in – and the 10 worst.

In a world where, on average, one woman is murdered every week by her partner or ex in Australia, it is no surprise females are feeling more vulnerable than ever.

Last year alone, violence against women accounted for 69 deaths Down Under, according to Counting Dead Women Australia. It’s an epidemic not only sweeping the nation but also the globe.

Every day, 137 women are killed worldwide – their lives taken by the hands of partners or family members, reports the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The chilling numbers are just one fraction of the fight towards gender equality.

Every day, 137 women are killed worldwide – their lives taken by the hands of partners or family members.

At a time where females are increasingly scared to walk home alone or even to their vehicle parked in an underground carpark, Nestpick has analysed 100 countries against a list of factors affecting the everyday lives of women.

‘The Women’s Liveability Index 2019’ revealed the top 10 best and 10 worst countries in the world for women based on factors such as domestic violence rates, gender pay gaps, education, life expectancy, sanitary products tax rates and human trafficking.

Numbers of women working at C-suite, government and founding positions were also studied, along with the Equal Pay Day – the day that marks when women essentially work for free until the end of the year due to the gender wage gap.
Here are 2019’s top 10 countries for women to live in

1. Norway

2. Sweden

3. Canada

4. Finland

5. Iceland

6. Denmark

7. Ireland

8. Slovenia

9. Austria

10. Estonia

And here are the 10 worst

1. Nigeria

2. Ethiopia

3. Pakistan

4. Uganda

5. Mozambique

6. Laos

7. Tanzania

8. Cameroon

9. Egypt

10. Rwanda

#women #genderequality - CEO MAGAZINE


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