Elderly woman rescued from sorcery-torture
News that matter in Papua New Guinea
Elderly woman rescued
from sorcery-torture
PORT MORESBY: An elderly woman was tortured to near
death in Gazelle’s Reimber-Livuan in East New Britain in a Sorcery-Accusation
Related Violence (SARV) in February.
New Guinea Islands
commander ACP Perou N’Dranou said police rescued the woman who had been in the hospital
until recently where she was kept in an unknown location for her safety.
“We could not
investigate immediately because due to her traumatised state,” he added.
The news break was reported by The National:
SARV woman rescued
May 4, 2022The
NationalMain Stories
The old woman showing
injuries to her hands.
AN elderly woman was
tortured to near death in Gazelle’s Reimber-Livuan in East New Britain in a
sorcery-accusation related violence (SARV) in February.
New Guinea Islands commander Assistant Commissioner Perou N’Dranou said police
rescued the woman who had been in the hospital until recently where she was
kept in an unknown location for her safety.
“We could not investigate immediately due to her traumatised state,” he said.
“She is not communicating with police yet. We are using third parties to
communicate with her.”
N’Dranou said the identities of the torturers were known and when the woman and
her family members “feel safe”, then they would be helping police in
“The woman needs an expert to look into her welfare as she is still
traumatised,” he said.
“Like all sorcery allegations in Papua New Guinea, the grieving family members
of the deceased vented their frustrations on the weakest member of the village.
“In this case, the old woman was tortured.”
An elderly woman from Vunaiting ward in the Ramalmal area of Gazelle’s
Reimber-Livuan local level government in East New Britain was tortured by the
group of men because they suspected her of practising sorcery.
According to a relative who wish to remain anonymous, the torture occurred in
“The torturers forced the woman to confess that she was the one who used
sorcery to kill their relative,” the relative said. “The police were alerted
and a police unit from Rabaul rescued her.”
In Port Moresby, National Capital District governor Powes Parkop said elected
lawmakers must address gender-based violence (GBV) and SARV woes in the
“Therefore, political parties and election hopefuls for the coming 2022 general
election must state their stand on the grave long-standing social issue that
affects communities,” he added.
Speaking in a media conference called by the Papua New Guinea Council of
Churches and the Special Parliamentary Committee on GBV yesterday, Parkop said
those contesting in election should include addressing GBV and SARV issues as
their priority agenda for governance.
He said those elected in the election should not allow themselves to be pushed
around in Parliament but instead fight for solutions on challenges faced by
“They should also have a clear understanding of the economic, social, health,
youth problems, the infrastructures and human rights issues,” he said.
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