MP: Water PNG a total disaster and failure

 News that matter in Papua New Guinea

MP: Water PNG a total disaster and failure

PORT MORESBY: Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko says Water PNG Ltd has been “a total disaster and failure” in the supply of water in the city.

“Water PNG needs an overhaul in the way it is managing water supply,” he added.

“We have paid millions of Kina to Eda Ramu and now Water PNG over the last 10 years in providing water infrastructure to all villages and communities in Moresby South.

“But now we are getting no water through the water pipes of all the infrastructure we paid for.”

Tkatchenko had lashed out at Water PNG in Parliament, as reported by The National:

Water PNG a failure: MP

March 2, 2022The NationalMain Stories

MORESBY South MP Justin Tkatchenko says Water PNG Ltd has been “a total disaster and failure” in the supply of water in the city.
“Water PNG needs an overhaul in the way it is managing water supply.
“Our communities have been getting no regular water supply,” he added.
“We have paid millions of Kina to Eda Ranu and now Water PNG over the last 10 years in providing water infrastructure to all villages and communities of Moresby South.
“But now we are getting no water through the water pipes of all the infrastructure we paid for.
“The Water PNG management has become totally incompetent and has no idea on how to properly manage our water system.
“It is now more money-orientated than providing a consistent water supply to our people.
“It is very frustrating when you not only ask at the ministerial level but the management level time and time again to allow for water to flow to our communities and you get no proper action or response.
“We never had this issue when Eda Ranu managed and operated the water supply in Port Moresby,” he said in Parliament.


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