Porno video girl to be arraigned

 News that matter in Papua New Guinea

Porno video girl to be arraigned

 PORT MORESBY: The 17-year-old girl who allegedly took a video of herself sexually abusing a toddler will appear in the Waigani committal court next week to be arraigned.

Magistrate Paul Nii on Thursday adjourned the matter to have the girl appear in court as theer was no appearance on Wednesday (Feb 9, 2022).

He told police prosecutor Sergeant Regina Kilip to communicate with the arresting officer to advise the girl to attend court next week.

The court proceedings were published by The National:

Girl told to attend court

February 11, 2022The NationalMain Stories

A 17-YEAROLD girl who allegedly took a video of herself abusing a toddler will appear in the Waigani Committal Court next week to be arraigned.
Magistrate Paul Nii adjourned the matter to have the girl appear in court next week as there was no appearance in court on Wednesday.
He told police prosecutor Sergeant Regina Kilip to communicate with the arresting officer to advise the girl to attend court next week.
Police alleged that between Oct 1 and 31, the girl, identified as the toddler’s aunt, was supposed to babysit the 18-month-old toddler and her three other siblings.
Instead, it was alleged that the girl sexually abused the toddler by producing a pornographic video with the child.
According to a summary of facts in court, the video was edited to a two-minute and 24-second clip showing the accused undressing herself and sexually abusing the toddler.
The video went viral on social media platforms for a couple of weeks and attracted the attention of the police on Jan 19.
On Jan 24, at about 5am, family members brought the girl to Sergeant Job Eremugo at the Family and Sexual Violence office in Boroko Police Station.
The girl was interviewed by the arresting officer, formally arrested and charged with one count each of sexual assault and producing pornographic video with a child.


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